Notes > Good Tests
(Notes for a Viget article)
- Most importantly: give you confidence to make changes
- This gets more and more important over time
- Secondarily:
- Tells you it works during development
- Help your code reviewers
- Serves as a kind of documentation (though not a very concise one)
- Focus on two kinds of tests: unit and integration
- Unit: test your objects/functions directly
- Integration: simulated browser interactions
- If you’re building an API, you might also have request specs
- But ideally you’re testing the full integration of UI + API
- Unit tests
- Put complex logic into easily testable objects/functions
- This is where TDD can come into play
- Avoid over-stubbing/mocking – what are you even testing
- It is OK to go down the stack in your unit tests
- Integration tests
- You need proper end-to-end testing
- Set up your data (fresh per test)
- Visit a page
- Interact with it
- Make assertions about the results
- Generally folder per controller, file per action (e.g.
- Coverage
- We shoot for 100% in SimpleCov (So all the Ruby is tested)
- Some consider this too high or too burdensome – I don’t
- If it’s 100%, you instantly know if you have any untested code
- If it’s, say, 94%, and you add 100 lines, six of those can be untested – hope they’re perfect!
- In other words, at less than 100% coverage, you don’t know if your new feature is fully covered or not
- Occasionally you have to ignore some code – e.g. something that only runs in production
- It’s OK if you’re not at 100% right now – set the threshold to your current level, and increase it as you add tests and new well-tested features
- Already covered here
- Third-party/network calls
- Major libraries often have mock services (e.g. stripe-mock)
- VCR is … OK but can become a maintenance problem
- Blocking access to the web is good though – webmock
- A better approach
- Move your integration code into a module
- Create a second stub module with the same API
- Use JSON Schema to ensure stub stays in sync (i.e. both the real client and the stub client validate against the schema)
- This will lead to more reliable tests and also more robust code
- Flaky tests are bad
- They eat up a lot of development time (esp. as build times increase)
- Try to stay on top of them and squash them as they arise
- Some frameworks have
options/libraries that can help (bandage not cure) - In general, though, flaky tests suck and generally indicate lack of quality with either your code or your tools
- So write better code or pick better tools
- Tests are code, but they’re not application code
- And the way you approach them should be slightly different
- Some (or even a lot of) repetition is OK; don’t be too quick to refactor
- Ideally someone can get a sense of what a test is doing by looking at a single screen of code
- As opposed to jumping around between early setup, shared examples, complex factories w/ side-effects, etc.
- Think of it as half programming, half writing