David Eisinger

Journal > Dispatch #5 (July 2023)

Posted 2023-07-02 under #dispatch

June was dominated by work and travel. Weekdays were filled up with a client project we were working hard to wrap, weekends by plans with friends and both of our families: Running of the Bulls, canoe camping near Saxapahaw, our yearly trip to Beaufort with Claire’s college friends, and then a cruise in the Caribbean with Claire’s family followed immediately by a trip up to DC to see mine.

It was a busy month, sometimes overly so, but having so many unique experiences had this odd effect of slowing and expanding time, which is the opposite of how things tend to go as you get older (good short piece along the same lines). Most everything else fell by the wayside, but that’s OK – these were all awesome experiences, and I’m excited for a (relatively) quiet July.

After getting the trailer hitch installed last month, we picked up a bike rack and a seat for Nev and brought the bikes with us to Beaufort. This was awesome – Beaufort’s an idyllic coastal town in just about every way but one: parking sucks. Being able to zip up and down the main street on our bikes (and parking them right at our destination) was such a joy, and Nev seems to enjoy the rack-mounted seat a lot more than the trailer we’ve been using.

I’m still enjoying using Obsidian to collect link and make notes, though mostly in the “capture” phase1, collecting information and starting to put some structure around it. When something comes up and I think, man, I read something good about that at some point in the past, I’m using that as a cue to create a dedicated note, with the hope that the next time it comes up, I’ll have a useful thing to reference.

I also read some good articles about Helix and Procreate, and I’m hoping to give those some attention this month.

This Month


  1. Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain outlines a four-step process: Capture, Organize, Distill, Express. ↩︎

