David Eisinger

Journal > Dispatch #24 (February 2025)

Posted 2025-02-05 under #dispatch

We actually got some snow here in Durham, which is not something that happens every year. We took the kids out sledding, and, well, I had a good time; they’ll grow into it. Nev and I built a wagon out of scrap lumber and some casters that roll a little bit too well. We let Nev pick the paint colors and so it’s three shades of pink. We built it for her to wheel her toys around, but you know we plopped that boy in there within the first hour.

My hi-fi audio setup is complete, for now and hopefully forever. The speakers I originally ordered were way too big, so I replaced them with a pair of Polk ES15s. I built speaker stands out of plywood and some hairpin table legs, and got everything wired up. It sounds great!

I’ve been on a bit of a digital detox the last few weeks. I’ve gradually cut the big social media sites out over the last few years in favor of RSS plus a few high-quality websites. But even the indie web feels fraught right now, and I don’t have the self-discipline to avoid following links that I know are going to make me upset. So I’ve blocked off all my usual haunts. I’ll probably implement some kind of scheduled time where I can catch up (i.e. Thursdays after the kids go to bed), but for now, I’m not missing it.

I’ve been an on-and-off journaler for a long time, but the notebooks I prefer aren’t great for long-form journaling as they encourage very small handwriting. I picked up a Stalogy Editor’s Series 365Days Notebook and have written a page every night for the last several weeks. It’s been a nice way to put a bow on the day. I also picked up Twelve South HoverBar Duo, which lets me point an iPad right at the kids for FaceTime calls. It’s a nice thing, and it’s definitely encouraged more calls to grandparents and cousins.

At work, I received a promotion to VP of Development. I traveled with the leadership team down to Tampa, Florida which was … quite nice? Guess I’ve really only ever been to Miami and Orlando and didn’t leave with especially favorable impressions. Highlights included a e-boat ride and a five-mile run along the Tampa Riverwalk.

I’ve spent the last few weeks rescuing a Drupal project that’s gone off the rails. ChatGPT has been invaluable as I hack my way through an unfamiliar platform; I’m not sure how it has such good information when all the content on the web is so bad. On the flip side, I suspect that a lot of the original code was written by an LLM – it is verbose and full of subtle bugs. The AI sword cuts both ways. It’s been gratifying to help my coworkers out of a sticky spot, to be sure.

Finally, I started writing these dispatches in March of 2023, and this one represents two full years of doing these. To celebrate/commemorate, I’ve wired up a Hugo template that dumps all the content out in a printer-friendly way, and I’m going to have a hardcover book printed. A little bit vainglorious? Perhaps! But:

I will leave you with a suggested question to ask other blog writers: What will happen to your blog after you’re gone? I ask because I don’t have a good answer for this. I don’t think anything I’ve written is critical for future generations, but I’d also like my eventual great-grand-kids to be able to read a bit about how their old great-grand-dad saw the world (if they care to).

Steven Garrity

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