[1]Skip to content[2] Tim Hårek • [3]Blog • [4]About • [5]More… 1. [6]Index 2. [7]Blog 3. [8]May 2024 [9][10](Photo)[11]tim@harek.no[12]PGP key May 2024 Published May 31, 2024 5 minutes read Another month, another update! Blogposts this month: • [13]All my Deno modules are now available on JSR • [14]Playdate review (just like I promised in [15]February) • [16]Kaizen #2 🍀 Life I visited to my hometown for a family confirmation, and I traveled alone because my SO was going to a wedding elsewhere. It was my first time driving alone for 3 hours with our daughter, and it was my SO's first time being away from our daughter for more than a workday. It was fine, we all survived! We celebrated our daughter's first National Day on the 17th of May with family and a trip to a school. I wonder how next year is going to be when she's in kindergarten. And to talk about something super interesting: The weather this past month has been superb! We have gone on long walks every day (almost). Somedays was so warm that we couldn't be outside for too long because of the heat ☀️ 💪 Health No race this month, and I have still managed to run an average of 15 km per week this month. It's been a blast (and warm)! I have also got a lot of use of the baby-carrier we bought last month, it's really fun to hear our daughter "talking" and laughing when we see animals, cars, plants etc. Great purchase! 🧑‍💻 Development Other than doing some [17]migrations of my Deno modules, I have been working slow and steady on my logging tool. It's getting there, hopefully it will be ready this summer. I'm not sure how "general" I should make it, if it's interesting for anyone other than me. But we'll see, it might be easier to see that once I write a standalone blogpost about it. Like I mentioned in the intro, there is a new edition of [18]Kaizen out: [19] Kaizen #2 🎬 Entertainment This month we mananged to watch a bunch of movies, shows and I even managed to play some video games. Games This month, after my co-worker still went on and on about how good Hades was, I caved and got it on Steam. And I have been enjoying it very much on the Steam Deck. Haven't beaten the last boss, yet, but it's fun! And I get nostaglic about remembering all the Gods from Greek Mythology from my memory of the animated Hercules movie. I also posted my [20]Playdate review where I go in-depth on the whole thing. Movies • Late Night with the Devil (2023) – Really cool, and different horror movie. It was more like a thriller to me, but enjoyed it! • Dream Scenario (2023) – This was so weird and thought-provoking that it was really funny and scary at the same time. Bonus, Norwegian director and writer • Secrets of the Neanderthals (2024) – Boring Netflix documentary. • Turbo Kid (2015) – Gave it a watch just because of the soundtrack and I do not regret it, recommended! • Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) – I didn't miss Andy Serkis that much, and it was fun to see where all the apes were 300 years after the last movie. • The Fall Guy (2024) – I had high hopes for this one after Bullet Train, it was bland. The fight-scenes were cool, but there weren't enough of it to make it a good movie. • The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024) – A cool war-movie about real events, recommended! TV shows • Baby Reindeer S1 – Everyone was talking about it, and we also started to talk about it. Eerie and amazing at the same time. • X-Men '97 S1 – Wow. They made a heartfelt cartoon, I mean, revived cartoon about mutants and a dab of time-travel. It was awesome! • Hvite gutter S7 – Norwegian show about some rich/spolied white dudes that only parties, it has its moments. 🌐 Links • [21]sdushantha/tmpmail – This worked on my first try. I'm very impressed on how simple this is and how it just works! • [22]Don't Microservice, Do Module – I didn't need any convincing, but the author goes into depth on why you should use modules instead of microservices. • [23]Must know key bindings for developers on Mac OSX – Shortcuts I didn't know about, awesome! • [24]tmux is worse is better – tmux is bad, but it's actually better for a lot of stuff. • [25]Developers aren't Nerds – Not every developer is as into it as you might think. • [26]Our Blogging Workflow – Cool concept with writing a post about your current blogging workflow. • [27]Thinking Big and Small – You have to start somewhere, you cannot change the world overnight. • [28]Get Yourself a /dev/lunch – Grab lunch with someone for a different company, use it as a place to talk about stuff, rant even. • [29]Behind the Scenes of Building the Three Word Stories App – The Three Word Stories app was built quickly, in about 48 hours, as part of the Viget's annual hackathon tradition. David Eisinger emailed me and let me know that a blogpost where I mentioned PocketBase gave his team inspiration to make this game – that's awesome! • [30]Three Word Stories – Cool little game made with Svelte and PocketBase. • [31]Ignite Rails: Matt Parker - README Driven Development – A way to motivate people to write the README, with some awesome stats! • [32]A brief history of web development. And why your framework doesn't matter. – Quick overview of the history of the web and why you shouldn't stress about choosing technology because someone tells you to. Chose what works for you. • [33]Use Your Potions and Scrolls – I can really relate to this. I always hoard potions and scrolls, and other nicnaks to never use them. I will try to not to "spare" them as much as I do, both in-game and IRL. • [34]I'm a programmer and I'm stupid – Stupid is the new smart, you should try it ;) • [35]DuckDB as the New jq – DuckDB really knows JSON, who would've thought? Tagged with • [36]#recently 1168 words [37]Reply via email Last deploy: 2024-06-09 • [38]Stats • [39]Privacy • [40]Connect • [41]Subscribe References: [1] https://timharek.no/blog/2024-may-recently#main [2] https://timharek.no/ [3] https://timharek.no/blog [4] https://timharek.no/about [5] https://timharek.no/more [6] https://timharek.no/ [7] https://timharek.no/blog [8] https://timharek.no/blog/2024-may-recently [9] https://timharek.no/ [10] https://timharek.no/.well-known/avatar?size=250&quality=90 [11] mailto:tim@harek.no [12] https://timharek.no/public-key.asc [13] https://timharek.no/blog/all-my-deno-modules-are-now-available-on-jsr [14] https://timharek.no/blog/playdate-review [15] https://timharek.no/blog/2024-february-recently [16] https://timharek.no/blog/kaizen-2 [17] https://timharek.no/blog/all-my-deno-modules-are-now-available-on-jsr [18] https://timharek.no/tags/kaizen [19] https://timharek.no/blog/kaizen-2 [20] https://timharek.no/blog/playdate-review [21] https://github.com/sdushantha/tmpmail [22] https://yekta.dev/posts/dont-microservice-do-module/ [23] https://uptownhr.com/blog/must-know-key-bindings-for-developers-on-mac-osx/ [24] https://hiandrewquinn.github.io/til-site/posts/tmux-is-worse-is-better/ [25] https://0xff.nu/dev-and-nerd [26] https://birming.com/posts/our-blogging-workflow [27] https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/thinking-big-and-small/ [28] https://anderegg.ca/2024/05/17/get-yourself-a-devlunch [29] https://www.viget.com/articles/behind-the-scenes-of-building-the-three-word-stories-app/ [30] https://3wordstories.com/instructions [31] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23xzRCoDZf4 [32] https://gebna.gg/blog/brief-history-of-web-development [33] https://jerry.wtf/posts/use-your-potions/ [34] https://antonz.org/stupid/ [35] https://www.pgrs.net/2024/03/21/duckdb-as-the-new-jq/ [36] https://timharek.no/tags/recently [37] mailto:tim@harek.no?subject=RE:%20May%202024 [38] https://timharek.no/stats [39] https://timharek.no/privacy [40] https://timharek.no/connect [41] https://timharek.no/subscribe