• [1]Intro | • [2]Community | • [3]Examples | • [4]News | • [5]Tutorial [logo] Sonic Pi Experience the sound of code. Sonic Pi is your free code-based music creation and performance tool. Powerful for professional musicians and DJs. Expressive for composition and performance. Accessible for blind and partially sighted people. Simple for computing and music lessons. Learn to code creatively by composing or performing music in an incredible range of styles from Classical & Jazz to Hip hop & EDM. Free for everyone with a friendly [6]tutorial. Brought to you by [7]Sam Aaron and the Sonic Pi Core Team. [8]Windows [9]macOS [10]Raspberry Pi OS Live Code Everything [sonic-pi-connectivity] Sonic Pi lets you use simple code to turn your computer into a fully networked live coding music studio: • Multi Channel Audio In/Out • Well-timed MIDI In/Out • Well-timed OSC (Open Sound Control) In/Out • Ableton's Link network metronome built-in Take the Course Sonic Pi Creator Sam Aaron has created a series of tutorial courses that will kick-start your live coding journey. Free Lesson Preview 4. Exploring Synths Learn how to trigger expressive synth sounds with simple code Sonic Pi - Introduction Sonic Pi - Introduction Join Sonic Pi's creator Sam Aaron and learn to express yourself with code. This course will teach you the basics of live coding your own performances and compositions using the powerful live coding software Sonic Pi. [11] Buy now Sponsors The following organisations are kindly supporting Sonic Pi's mission of lowering the many barriers to entry for creative experiences with code: [12] Dashbit [13] Please consider asking your employer to sponsor Sonic Pi. Community Support Please consider joining our wonderful community of supporters helping to keep Sonic Pi free for everyone. [14] Alembic Support via Patreon [15] Alembic Support via GitHub Sponsors Code. Music. Live. Sonic Pi is a new kind of musical instrument. Watch how you can use it for live performances from ambient sets to dance music in nightclubs... Array by DJ_Dave Sonic Pi Band - Sam Aaron & Ben Smith Reeled - Jylda & Sam Aaron Daft Punk - Aerodynamic coded by Sébastien Rannou Welcome to our Community Join the friendly Sonic Pi community and share your ideas and thoughts with other educators, musicians and live coders... [16] [in_thread_screen] [17]Come and join the conversation... Live Coding Education [18] [live-coding-education] Sonic Pi helps you engage students in Computing through music. Read how in the article [19]'Live Coding Education' Watch this introductory [20]CAS TV interview with Sonic Pi creator Sam Aaron. Sonic Pi in the Computing Classroom Sonic Pi was specifically designed for and built in collaboration with teachers for use in the classroom. [21][music_note] Music Live Coding Sonic Pi is a new kind of musical instrument which enables exciting new learning pathways in the classroom. [22]Music programming workshop by Mehackit [blackboard] Classroom Ready Sonic Pi was designed, implemented and developed with extensive classroom trials in close collaboration with teachers. [23]Introduction for Teachers [24] [code-border] Creative Computing Sonic Pi comes with a scheme of work targetted for KS3 Computing developed in harmony with the new UK curriculum. [25]Scheme of Work for Computing Lessons Engage your students by coding music in your classroom today. Free Sonic Pi Book Sam Aaron, creator of Sonic Pi, has written this book to [26]complement the built-in tutorial. Master live loops, code drum breaks, compose your own melodies make random riffs and loops, learn to shape and sculpt sounds and much, much more... [27] [book] [28]Download "Code Music with Sonic Pi" Now! Sonic Pi Talks "Sonic Pi lowers the barrier to entry for a creative experience with code..." [29]TEDx Newcastle 2015 - Programming as Performance [30]GOTO 2018 - Let's Get Ready to Rock with Sonic Pi Music. Code. Simple. See how easy it is to get started coding your first sounds... Haunted Bells loop do sample :perc_bell, rate: (rrand 0.125, 1.5) sleep rrand(0, 2) end Listen to the coded bells... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Pentatonic Bleeps with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.2 do loop do play scale(:Eb2, :major_pentatonic, num_octaves: 3).choose, release: 0.1, amp: rand sleep 0.1 end end Code with scales and chords... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Tron Bikes loop do with_synth :dsaw do with_fx(:slicer, phase: [0.25,0.125].choose) do with_fx(:reverb, room: 0.5, mix: 0.3) do start_note = chord([:b1, :b2, :e1, :e2, :b3, :e3].choose, :minor).choose final_note = chord([:b1, :b2, :e1, :e2, :b3, :e3].choose, :minor).choose p = play start_note, release: 8, note_slide: 4, cutoff: 30, cutoff_slide: 4, detune: rrand(0, 0.2), pan: rrand(-1, 0), pan_slide: rrand(4, 8) control p, note: final_note, cutoff: rrand(80, 120), pan: rrand(0, 1) end end end sleep 8 end Listen to bikes from the future... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Wob Rhythm with_fx :reverb do in_thread do loop do r = [0.5, 1.0/3, 3.0/5].choose 8.times do sample :ambi_choir, rate: r, pan: rrand(-1, 1) sleep 0.5 end end end end with_fx :wobble, phase: 2 do |w| with_fx :echo, mix: 0.6 do loop do sample :drum_heavy_kick sample :bass_hit_c, rate: 0.8, amp: 0.4 sleep 1 end end end Hear the rhythmic wobble... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Ocean Waves with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.5 do loop do s = synth [:bnoise, :cnoise, :gnoise].choose, amp: rrand(0.5, 1.5), attack: rrand(0, 4), sustain: rrand(0, 2), release: rrand(1, 3), cutoff_slide: rrand(0, 3), cutoff: rrand(60, 80), pan: rrand(-1, 1), pan_slide: 1, amp: rrand(0.5, 1) control s, pan: rrand(-1, 1), cutoff: rrand(60, 115) sleep rrand(2, 3) end end Hear the digital waves crash... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ IDM Breakbeat define :play_bb do |n| sample :drum_heavy_kick sample :ambi_drone, rate: [0.25, 0.5, 0.125, 1].choose, amp: 0.25 if rand < 0.125 sample :ambi_lunar_land, rate: [0.5, 0.125, 1, -1, -0.5].choose, amp: 0.25 if rand < 0.125 sample :loop_amen, attack: 0, release: 0.05, start: 1 - (1.0 / n), rate: [1,1,1,1,1,1,-1].choose sleep sample_duration(:loop_amen) / n end loop {play_bb([1,2,4,8,16].choose)} Listen to crazy coded beats... • play • pause ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Acid Walk in_thread do use_synth :fm sleep 2 loop do 28.times do sample :drum_bass_hard, amp: 0.8 sleep 0.25 play :e2, release: 0.2 sample :elec_cymbal, rate: 12, amp: 0.6 sleep 0.25 end sleep 4 end end use_synth :tb303 with_fx :reverb do |rev| loop do control rev, mix: rrand(0, 0.3) with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.125 do sample :ambi_lunar_land, sustain: 0, release: 8, amp: 2 end control rev, mix: rrand(0, 0.6) r = rrand(0.05, 0.3) 64.times do play chord(:e3, :minor).choose, release: r, cutoff: rrand(50, 90), amp: 0.5 sleep 0.125 end control rev, mix: rrand(0, 0.6) r = rrand(0.1, 0.2) with_synth :prophet do 32.times do sleep 0.125 play chord(:a3, :m7).choose, release: r, cutoff: rrand(40, 130), amp: 0.7 end end control rev, mix: rrand(0, 0.6) r = rrand(0.05, 0.3) 32.times do play chord(:e3, :minor).choose, release: r, cutoff: rrand(110, 130), amp: 0.4 sleep 0.125 end control rev, mix: rrand(0, 0.6) with_fx :echo, phase: 0.25, decay: 8 do 16.times do play chord([:e2, :e3, :e4].choose, :m7).choose, release: 0.05, cutoff: rrand(50, 129), amp: 0.5 sleep 0.125 end end end end Start producing longer tracks... • play • pause What are you waiting for? Get yourself a copy of Sonic Pi for: [31]Windows [32]macOS [33]Raspberry Pi OS What's Happening with Sonic Pi Here's a taster of some of the exciting things happening in the Sonic Pi world... [34]The Music Commission [35]The Music Commission Sonic Pi is represented by Sam Aaron on The Music Commission panel, a new enquiry launched by ABRSM exploring how to better sustain & support progress & progression in learning music. [36]Naked Scientists [37]The Naked Scientists The wonderful Naked Scientists covered Sonic Pi in an interview which was broadcast live on BBC radio and is available to listen and read [38]here. [39]The Big Bang Fair [40]The Big Bang Fair 2018 The Big Bang Fair is the UK's largest celebration of STEM for young people. In 2018 the Sonic Pi Band performed a series of shows demonstrating how to live code your own band. [41]Mehackit [42]Kokoa Certified Resources The incredible [43]Mehackit Sonic Pi creative coding resource has been certified by the Finnish Education Standard Kakoa for its educational quality. [44][convo] [45]Royal Albert Hall : Convo Sonic Pi was an Education Partner for Convo, an ambitious new work at the Royal Albert Hall featuring 1,000 young instrumentalists & singers combining traditional instruments & code. [46]Watch the performance here [47][codebus] [48]Codebus Africa In 2017, African and Finnish tech and education innovators collaborated to use Sonic Pi to deliver creative coding workshops engaging almost 2000 children in 10 African countries. [49]Google Logo [50]Google Open Source Winner Google have announced Sonic Pi as one of a number of projects they either use or think are important. [51][mt-awardlo] [52]Sonic Pi nominated Music Teacher Award finalist Sonic Pi was listed as a finalist for the [53]Music Teacher Best Music Education Product Award alongside music instrument manufacturers Boss & Korg. [54][rollingsto] [55]Rolling Stone Review Sam Aaron performed with Sonic Pi at Moogfest 2016. Rolling Stone featured his performance in their [56]review of the festival and said it "transcended the present". [57]The International Space Station [58]Sonic Pi Space Competition [59]These are the winning students that won an exciting once-in-a-lifetime competition to get their Sonic Pi music played onboard the International Space Station by UK astronaut Tim Peake. [60][mistajam] [61]CBBC Ten Pieces Masterclass Radio 1 DJ MistaJam and Live Coder Sam Aaron compose a piece of music using Sonic Pi, inspired by Bizet's 'Carmen' [62]Daft Punk [63]Daft Punk in code Sébastien Rannou has published a tutorial on how he live coded his fabulous [64]cover of Aerodynamic by Daft Punk. [65][newsround] [66]Sonic Pi featured on CBBC Newsround Sonic Pi was featured on the UK national children's news programme [67]CBBC Newsround - with presenter Jenny Lawrence discovering Live Coding for the first time. [68][sonic-drea] [69]Sonic Pi: Live & Coding Pop Pi Videos Launched The Sonic Pi: Live & Coding project has launched [70] a series of 10 "Pop Pi" music videos created by artists using Sonic Pi. [71][summerscho] [72]Sonic Pi Live & Coding - Summer School Artists Juneau Projects [73]write about the recent Sonic Pi Live & Coding Summer School which involved 60 children aged 10-14 learning to code and perform on stage at Cambridge Junction. Get Sonic Pi for Raspberry Pi OS - 64 bit Get started on the world's most affordable computer. Built for Raspberry Pi [74] [rpi-logo] Get the latest version of Sonic Pi for your Raspberry Pi to take advantage of all the new features such as MIDI, OSC networking, new translations, improved interface, headphone audio and much, much more... 64 bit package [arm64-chip] v4.5.1 Download then right click and choose 'install package' Requires the 64 bit release of Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm) [75]Download (64 bit) [76]Full Installation Instructions Thanks for Downloading Sonic Pi Sonic Pi - Introduction Take the Course Kick start your Sonic Pi journey and join creator Sam Aaron with this new introductory course and learn to express yourself with code. [77] Learn More Using 32 bit Raspberry Pi OS? [78]Download a 32 bit version here Terminal Installation [box3] To install run the following commands via the terminal (within the directory you downloaded the deb file): sudo apt update sudo apt install ./sonic-pi_4.5.1_1_bookworm.arm64.deb [79]Back to top Get Sonic Pi for Windows Turn any PC into a full Sonic Pi workstation. Built for Windows 10 & 11 [unibody_wi] Sonic Pi has been developed and designed to work perfectly on laptops and desktops running either Windows 10 or 11. Sonic Pi for Windows [intel-cpu] Download and double-click to install v4.5.1 Requires Windows 10. [80]Windows 10/11 (64 bit) MSI Installer Thanks for Downloading Sonic Pi Sonic Pi - Introduction Take the Course Kick start your Sonic Pi journey and join creator Sam Aaron with this new introductory course and learn to express yourself with code. [81] Learn More Still using Windows 7 or 8.1? [82]Download v3.1 here MSI Installer [windows] Sonic Pi is available as a signed MSI installer for you to securely install on your machine or network. Getting Sonic Pi running on Windows is as easy as 3, 1, 4... [83]Back to top Get Sonic Pi for macOS Use the full power of your Mac to take Sonic Pi to the next level. macOS - Apple Silicon [apple-cpu] v4.5.1 for Macs with Apple M series chips Requires Ventura (macOS 13) [84]Mac with Apple chip Securely Built for Apple [apple] Intel or Apple Silicon? There are two versions available to download. Apple Silicon for newer Macs powered by M1 or M2 chips and Intel for older Macs. See "About This Mac" for your chip type. Thanks for Downloading Sonic Pi Sonic Pi - Introduction Take the Course Kick start your Sonic Pi journey and join creator Sam Aaron with this new introductory course and learn to express yourself with code. [85] Learn More Using macOS 10.15 or below? [86]Download previous releases here macOS - Intel x64 [intel-cpu] v4.5.1 for older Macs with Intel chips Requires Monterey (macOS 12) [87]Mac with Intel chip Most Common Getting Sonic Pi running on your Mac is as easy as eating Apple Pi. [88]Back to top • [89]Twitter | • [90]Github References: [1] https://sonic-pi.net/#intro [2] https://sonic-pi.net/#community [3] https://sonic-pi.net/#examples [4] https://sonic-pi.net/#news [5] https://sonic-pi.net/tutorial.html [6] https://sonic-pi.net/tutorial.html [7] https://twitter.com/samaaron [8] https://sonic-pi.net/#windows [9] https://sonic-pi.net/#mac [10] https://sonic-pi.net/#rp [11] https://sonic-pi-studio.teachable.com/p/sonic-pi-introduction [12] https://dashbit.co/ [13] https://github.com/sponsors/samaaron [14] https://patreon.com/samaaron [15] https://github.com/sponsors/samaaron [16] https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/ [17] https://in-thread.sonic-pi.net/ [18] https://sonic-pi.net/files/articles/Live-Coding-Education.pdf [19] https://sonic-pi.net/files/articles/Live-Coding-Education.pdf [20] https://youtu.be/7sEMKXrRaAs?list=LLQB04t2hxSBVTjxpbIHdI-w [21] https://www.sonicpiliveandcoding.com/ [22] https://sonic-pi.mehackit.org/ [23] https://sonic-pi.net/files/articles/Live-Coding-Education.pdf [24] https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/sonic-pi-lessons/ [25] https://www.raspberrypi.org/learning/sonic-pi-lessons/ [26] https://sonic-pi.net/tutorial.html [27] https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/books/essentials-sonic-pi-v1/pdf/download [28] https://magpi.raspberrypi.com/books/essentials-sonic-pi-v1/pdf/download [29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TK1mBqKvIyU [30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLLwG_SN8oo [31] https://sonic-pi.net/#windows [32] https://sonic-pi.net/#mac [33] https://sonic-pi.net/#rp [34] http://www.musiccommission.org.uk/ [35] http://www.musiccommission.org.uk/ [36] https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/interviews/creating-code-make-music [37] https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/interviews/creating-code-make-music [38] https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/interviews/creating-code-make-music [39] https://www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/ [40] https://www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/ [41] http://sonic-pi.mehackit.org/ [42] http://sonic-pi.mehackit.org/ [43] http://mehackit.org/ [44] https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/events/2019/convo-2019/ [45] https://www.royalalberthall.com/tickets/events/2019/convo-2019/ [46] https://vimeo.com/328673793#t=3534s [47] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqzDW-OdFJI [48] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqzDW-OdFJI [49] https://opensource.googleblog.com/2017/03/the-latest-round-of-google-open-source.html [50] https://opensource.googleblog.com/2017/03/the-latest-round-of-google-open-source.html [51] https://www.musicmark.org.uk/news/full-list-of-winners-at-the-music-teacher-awards-for-excellence/ [52] https://www.musicmark.org.uk/news/full-list-of-winners-at-the-music-teacher-awards-for-excellence/ [53] https://www.musicmark.org.uk/news/full-list-of-winners-at-the-music-teacher-awards-for-excellence/ [54] http://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-live-reviews/moogfest-2016-was-it-actually-the-future-of-music-58300 [55] https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-live-reviews/moogfest-2015-was-it-actually-the-future-of-music-58300 [56] http://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-live-reviews/moogfest-2016-was-it-actually-the-future-of-music-58300 [57] https://astro-pi.org/principia/sonic-pi-winners/ [58] https://astro-pi.org/principia/sonic-pi-winners/ [59] https://astro-pi.org/principia/sonic-pi-winners/ [60] https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p031dq3j [61] https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p031dq3j [62] https://aimxhaisse.com/aerodynamic-en.html [63] https://aimxhaisse.com/aerodynamic-en.html [64] https://aimxhaisse.com/aerodynamic-en.html [65] https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/30151730 [66] https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/30151730 [67] https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/30151730 [68] https://vimeo.com/110416910 [69] https://vimeo.com/user33572687 [70] https://vimeo.com/user33572687 [71] https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/sonic-pi-live-summer-school [72] https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/sonic-pi-live-summer-school [73] https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/sonic-pi-live-summer-school [74] https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi [75] https://sonic-pi.net/files/releases/v4.5.1/sonic-pi_4.5.1_1_bookworm.arm64.deb [76] https://sonic-pi.net/files/releases/v4.5.1/README-Sonic-Pi-Raspberry-Pi-OS.txt [77] https://sonic-pi-studio.teachable.com/p/sonic-pi-introduction [78] https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi/releases/tag/v4.3.0 [79] https://sonic-pi.net/#intro [80] https://sonic-pi.net/files/releases/v4.5.1/Sonic-Pi-for-Win-x64-v4-5-1.msi [81] https://sonic-pi-studio.teachable.com/p/sonic-pi-introduction [82] https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi/releases/tag/v3.1.0 [83] https://sonic-pi.net/#intro [84] https://sonic-pi.net/files/releases/v4.5.1/Sonic-Pi-for-Mac-arm64-v4-5-1.dmg [85] https://sonic-pi-studio.teachable.com/p/sonic-pi-introduction [86] https://github.com/sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi/releases [87] https://sonic-pi.net/files/releases/v4.5.1/Sonic-Pi-for-Intel-Mac-x64-v4-5-1.dmg [88] https://sonic-pi.net/#intro [89] https://twitter.com/sonic_pi [90] https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi