• [1]Johan Halse • [2]Blog • [3]Mastodon • [4]GitHub • [5]LinkedIn [avatar] Johan wrote this @ 2024-03-05 Churn I’ve been using Web Components lately. I quite like them. I wouldn’t call myself a heavy user, or power user, or whatever. It seems like every other article I read has things to say about the Shadow DOM, declarative or otherwise, or maybe about slots. These things seem divisive, but I don’t have an opinion because I’m not using any of them. My experience is limited to my patience and coping strategies finally having failed with regard to [6] Hotwire being absolutely mahoosive (132kB minified! WHAT!!) which lead to me writing my own Stimulus replacement called [7]Musculus. It uses the Web Component lifecycle hooks, and basically nothing else. Those are an absolute godsend, though! Before they came along, we had to build our own awkward lifecycle handler (probably via MutationObserver) and that came with a lot of plumbing and performance gotchas, whereas WC lifecycles are crazy simple: you register the component with customElements.define and it’s off to the races. Just write a class and the browser will take care of elements appearing and disappearing for you, regardless of whether they came from a full reload, a fetch request, or—god forbid—a document.write. The syntax looks great in markup, too: no more having to decorate with js-something classes or data attributes, you just wrap your shit in a custom element called something-controller and everyone can see what you’re up to. Since I’m firmly in camp “progressively enhance or go home” this fits me like a glove, and I also have great hopes for Web Components improving the poor state of pulling in epic dependencies like date pickers or text editors. Felling the beasts I won’t pretend to have an answer to how they would replace React and its intellectual brethren, though. I stand by my belief that [8]ninety-five percent or so of us will be absolutely fine without ever having to pull reactivity or two-way binding into our sites. That doesn’t stop others from trying to tear down the current world order, of course! I’ve seen a bunch of speculation and heated discussion as to what Web Components would need in order to oust the current breed of component libraries, mostly in service of reducing your dependence on the tiresome and ever-churning world of JavaScript frameworks. Build your site with Web Components, it’s said, and you’ll have offloaded the Sisyphean task of staying on top of updates and version bumps to evergreen browsers! Since this is the web, where we’re VERY SERIOUS about backwards compatibility (you can still use document.all if you like—it’s a bad idea, but you be the boss) you can let the Chrome team shoulder some of your burden and you’ll never again be stuck in the purgatory of having to rewrite your code to use Hooks or Signals or Runes or whatever we’re doing this year. I don’t really buy it, though! Anyone who wants to has been able to go it alone and build library-less for many years. It’s what everyone started out doing, after all. And that usually leads to what’s colloquially known as [9]Big Ball of Mud architecture. The browser APIs are cool and all, but they’re a motley collection of weird imperative operations: a few decades’ worth of functions and properties that people figured would be useful, and then some paved-cowpath convenience stuff layered on top. The APIs work, it’s hard to argue otherwise, but they’ve never been fun or even ergonomic to use. So we’ve had libraries papering over the various cross-browser cracks and improving DX since… well, basically forever. Staying close to the metal sounds like a good idea in theory but just doesn’t shake out very well in practice. It comes with a whole lot of ceremony and drudgery, something I touched on [10]a while back (how was that five years ago already oh dang oh nuts my life slipping through my fingers like grains of sand impossible to catch oh no whyyy) and any abstractions or DSLs you write are likely going to be sub-par reimplementations of other peoples’ libraries. So it’s usually a good idea to find a battle-tested library or framework that gels with your style. Money and fame The main reason Web Components aren’t going to save you from the JS treadmill, however, is that the JS treadmill is first and foremost a cultural product. It’s easy to forget since the webdev world moves so quickly nowadays, but the preferred mode of distribution for frontend JavaScript was “go download this .js file from, like, SourceForge” well into the latter half of the 2010s. NPM and Big Tech stewardship of open source changed all that. Suddenly you could get a well-paid job and a form of rockstardom from releasing a popular library. Gone were the days of “hey I’m Johan and I made a [11]tiny search engine, download my file if you want” and instead we found ourselves in the days of smarmy overpromising brochure sites and Twitter catfights about data mutability or codes of conduct. That milieu rewards high-profile Architectural Thinking and popularity contests, and so we’re stuck in a constant churn of new ideas and one-upmanship. Look, library X implemented Y, we have to come up with an answer!! If you want a good example of what we could have had, look at jQuery. They’re still out there, quietly releasing stuff that really doesn’t break anyone’s builds. It’s a solid and unassuming library that does what it says it does. What would’ve happened if React had just stayed with their class components? If they didn’t keep uprooting their community with things like Hooks or Effects or Reducers? They could’ve stayed on a steady beat of polishing a more-or-less finished product, and let other libraries explore those other ideas. That would probably have saved everyone a massive amount of rewriting, reskilling, and [12]bugs. But the social context demanded otherwise, and that has infected basically the entire ecosystem now. I would love it if Web Components could change those dynamics, but I’m not holding my breath (although the current epidemic of Big Tech layoffs is probably doing more to shake things up than any browser standard could!) I still hope the APIs can open up a new frontier of library-agnostic and easily distributable components, maybe using some kind of middleware spec (similar to Ruby’s [13]Rack) that doesn’t change very much over time? I really hope that works out. But for now, I’m going to keep using the parts I enjoy using, and be cautiously optimistic about the future. I'm Johan Halse: web developer, feared duelist, renowned lover, compulsive liar. I made this fat footer because that's how footers are supposed to look these days! While you're here, consider following me on [14]Mastodon. Am I always correct on Mastodon? No. But am I always hilarious? Also no. But I'm angling for enough followers to credibly call myself a "thought leader" and retire to a quiet life of picking shameful public fights with JavaScript celebrities. If Mastodon's not your jam, maybe star one of my [15]GitHub repos. It's really the least you can do. Also: if you found my technical writing interesting, you should know that I founded a company called [16]Varvet many years ago and they're still going, so give them a buzz if you want help with web stuff. Copyright © Johan Halse 2024 References: [1] https://johan.hal.se/ [2] https://johan.hal.se/wrote [3] https://ruby.social/@hejsna [4] https://github.com/johanhalse [5] https://www.linkedin.com/in/johan-halse [6] https://hotwired.dev/ [7] https://github.com/johanhalse/musculus [8] https://johan.hal.se/wrote/2024/01/24/concatenating-text [9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern#Software_engineering_anti-patterns [10] https://web.archive.org/web/20230327144118/https://www.varvet.com/blog/the-importance-of-elegance/ [11] https://github.com/johanhalse/pucko-search [12] https://johan.hal.se/wrote/2024/02/28/care/ [13] https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/main/SPEC.rdoc [14] https://ruby.social/@hejsna [15] https://github.com/johanhalse [16] https://www.varvet.com/