[1][apple-touc]Baty.net • [3]Archive • [4]About • [5]Tags • [6]Uses • [7]Search Ending my OpenBSD experiment (Almost) January 4, 2024 · 197 words I did [8]this fun thing from Derek Sivers because I wanted to play with [9] OpenBSD and with [10]Vultr for hosting. Well, I played with it. It was fun. I got to see how [11]Dovecot works and I learned how to configure Relayd and the OpenBSD httpd server. I think I’d end up liking it. BSD feels lighter and simpler and therefore probably more secure than the Ubuntu servers I’m running. However, I don’t need another server to manage. I don’t need to run my own mail server or CalDAV server. My VPS at Digital Ocean has been running (::knocks wood::) smoothly for years and I’ve got the configuration down. I’ll be deleting the OpenBSD server once I’ve moved the few sites I’d migrated there back to Digital Ocean. Remember, [12]Reduce and Simplify. I may try again later with stock OpenBSD and Caddy, without all of the Sivers’ stuff. 2 hours later: I was right. I spun up a fresh OpenBSD server at Vultr and configured it myself. No services running but relayd->httpd and so far the only site it’s running is [13]jackbaty.com. I like the idea of BSD so much that I couldn’t give up quite yet. • [14]OpenBSD [15]« Prev Obsidian is not at all joyful to use [16]Next » The care and feeding of my system [17]✍️ Reply by email © Jack Baty | Powered by [18]Hugo & [19]PaperMod[20] References: [1] https://baty.net/ [3] https://baty.net/archives [4] https://baty.net/about/ [5] https://baty.net/tags/ [6] https://baty.net/uses/ [7] https://baty.net/search/ [8] https://baty.net/journal/2023/12/29/running-an-openbsd-server [9] https://www.openbsdfoundation.org/ [10] https://www.vultr.com/ [11] https://dovecot.org/ [12] https://baty.net/journal/2023/12/31/reduce-and-simplify [13] https://jackbaty.com/ [14] https://baty.net/tags/openbsd/ [15] https://baty.net/journal/2024/01/04/obsidian-is-not-at-all-joyful-to-use/ [16] https://baty.net/2024/01/the-care-and-feeding-of-my-system/ [17] mailto:jack@baty.net?subject=[baty.net]%20Re:%20Ending%20my%20OpenBSD%20experiment%20%28Almost%29 [18] https://gohugo.io/ [19] https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/ [20] https://baty.net/2024/01/ending-my-openbsd-experiment/#top